Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The East Calcutta Wetlands - Jan 6


The East Calcutta Wetlands have been degraded and destroyed by encroachment and obnoxious waste escalation, which led to the threat of getting de-listed form the Ramsar Montreaux records in 2006. The Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE) has launched its project on the wetland to restore the wetlands with a team of members under the leadership of Dr. Dipayan Dey.

As far as the eye can see there is water, 250 interconnected shallow lakes, locallyknown as bheris, which covers an area of 12,500 hectatres, comprises 52 endemic species of fish, 33 variety of birds and 20 mammals including the mud-turtle and marsh-mongoose.

For More Info, please visit the site at

Saltlake Metropolitan Service Project, January 6,2009. VIDEO CLIP>>> BELOW!!!

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