Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sheffield High Student Project 1 of 4, 200 pts each

Mr. Branch - Due February 6th - Late assignments will result in grade of zero
Will update more info as I can get internet access!

The purpose of this lesson is to give the teacher an opportunity to teach, reinforce and use the 5 themes of geography with a specific country.The following lesson deals with the following of the 5 Themes of Geography: Location, Place, Human Environment Interaction, Movement, Region.

1. With a large wall map showing ask students, where India is located? When students answer India is in Asia. Ask specifically where? If students are having trouble have one student come to the large map of Asia and show the class where India is located. Explain to students that we first looked at India's relative location (general vicinity) and then India's absolute location (exact spot)
2. Next using some pictures from magazines, or a web site, ask students what India would be like. Show students the pictures and have them describe the picture to the class. When they describe the place, show them the pictures and explain to them that these descriptions are either human or physical characteristics of a place.
3. Talk about the pictures and ask how humans have fit into their environment or what changes they have made to fit into this place. Explain to students that this is an example of human/environment interaction (human modifying their environment to fit and /or the earth dictating what humans can and cannot do).
4. Ask students what kind of products we would buy from India. When they give you examples, you will explain to them that these are examples of movement (It is our connection to India and the rest of the world).
5. Talk to the students about the different regions of India (Back of the map). Ask what these places have in common. When they talk about a place and what it might have in common with other places this is an example of region * It should be noted that even though in this specific examples, we are dealing with India, you can adapt this exercise to fit any specific region or place in the world. I like to use it at the beginning of every regional unit I start with because it reinforces the key concepts of the 5 themes.

5 Themes of Geography
Where is it?a. absolute location-exactlyb. relative location-around, by, near, close to
What is it like there?a. physical characteristics-natural descriptionb. human characteristics-description of human imprint
Human Environment Interaction
How do humans change the earth?
How does the earth change humans?
How are people, places goods and ideas connected?

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