Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 7, 2009 Reflection

Group Study Exchange District 6980 - 3240 & 6800
As I sat here, outside in this strange place, in the home of my most humble host on a meek Thursday morning overlooking two classical Indian garden in the distance, I can’t help but to flashback to my time in Morocco as a youth. The different assortment of sounds and animals ricochet all around me helps you remember the places long before forgotten. India in this extraordinarily odd way gives off this sense of inner peace which allows you to focus on self, family, spirituality, and service. I hear a man far beyond the trees in a distance chatting what sounds like a cool summer breeze on a cold winter night, waiting for the answers which India seems to give. Life is simple/complications here! Simple, in a way, that your path has only mental obstacles in your way. Nevertheless, the real India is what makes India a joy to us all. The real India is not only beautiful, but is joy and pain fused though diversity!

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