Monday, January 19, 2009

Jan.19 - Reflection

January 19, 2009 Reflection
2:30 A.M.

Currently, I’m on my way to the privately owned hospital to see an eye operation of some sort. The traffic in India is complete havoc, especially in mid-day.
Can you believe that I just saw a cornier replacement surgery! I believe the surgery was called a FECCO Repair. This was amazing! The doctor preformed the entire operation in about 15 minutes. That’s right, that’s 12-15 operations a day which equals out to about four hours plus. I wish I’d known that it was that easy, I would’ve went to med school…lol And the funny thing is that it looked so easy. I developed a theory from this experience, and it states that, (EXPOSURE + EXPERIENCE/EDUCATION = SUCCESS). I say this because many of our youth today never interact with qualified people or professionals to gain insight on other career possibility in life. Many of those children that become successful, comes by way of natural exposure, networking, and a parental push into an Ivy League or prestigious University. Maybe if we develop a system for maximizing the exposure to especially our African American males in urban secondary schools, we might just provide enough vision to springboard them into the right direction. If I had seen this at 15 or been exposed to mentor in this profession, I would have looked at the entire medical field of study differently.
What do you think?
Today was a pretty good day. Family and community are major factors in Indians way of life. Education is a requirement for those that are privileged, but this too is slowly changing. Today, I realized that it will take me much longer than 30 days to find out what the real India is like. It might just take a lifetime.
“The man, who expresses himself through art, notices the world around him.” FMB

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